6 research outputs found

    Diagnostyka obrazowa jąder

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    Pathological lesions within the scrotum are relatively rare in imaging except for ultrasonography. The diseases presented in the paper are usually found in men at the age of 15–45, i.e. men of reproductive age, and therefore they are worth attention. Scrotal ultrasound in infertile individuals should be conducted on a routine basis owing to the fact that pathological scrotal lesions are frequently detected in this population. Malignant testicular cancers are the most common neoplasms in men at the age of 20–40. Ultrasound imaging is the method of choice characterized by the sensitivity of nearly 100% in the differentiation between intratesticular and extratesticular lesions. In the case of doubtful lesions that are not classifi ed for intra-operative verifi cation, nuclear magnetic resonance is applied. Computed tomography, however, is performed to monitor the progression of a neoplastic disease, in pelvic trauma with scrotal injury as well as in rare cases of scrotal hernias involving the ureters or a fragment of the urinary bladde

    Scrotal imaging

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    Pathological lesions within the scrotum are relatively rare in imaging except for ultrasonography. The diseases presented in the paper are usually found in men at the age of 15–45, i.e. men of reproductive age, and therefore they are worth attention. Scrotal ultrasound in infertile individuals should be conducted on a routine basis owing to the fact that pathological scrotal lesions are frequently detected in this population. Malignant testicular cancers are the most common neoplasms in men at the age of 20–40. Ultrasound imaging is the method of choice characterized by the sensitivity of nearly 100% in the differentiation between intratesticular and extratesticular lesions. In the case of doubtful lesions that are not classifi ed for intra-operative verifi cation, nuclear magnetic resonance is applied. Computed tomography, however, is performed to monitor the progression of a neoplastic disease, in pelvic trauma with scrotal injury as well as in rare cases of scrotal hernias involving the ureters or a fragment of the urinary bladder

    Diagnostyka obrazowa jąder

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    Pathological lesions within the scrotum are relatively rare in imaging except for ultrasonography. The diseases presented in the paper are usually found in men at the age of 15–45, i.e. men of reproductive age, and therefore they are worth attention. Scrotal ultrasound in infertile individuals should be conducted on a routine basis owing to the fact that pathological scrotal lesions are frequently detected in this population. Malignant testicular cancers are the most common neoplasms in men at the age of 20–40. Ultrasound imaging is the method of choice characterized by the sensitivity of nearly 100% in the differentiation between intratesticular and extratesticular lesions. In the case of doubtful lesions that are not classified for intra-operative verifi cation, nuclear magnetic resonance is applied. Computed tomography, however, is performed to monitor the progression of a neoplastic disease, in pelvic trauma with scrotal injury as well as in rare cases of scrotal hernias involving the ureters or a fragment of the urinary bladder.Patologiczne zmiany w obrębie worka mosznowego są stosunkowo rzadko spotykane w badaniach obrazowych, z wyjątkiem ultrasonografii. Prezentowane choroby dotyczą najczęściej grupy mężczyzn w przedziale wiekowym 15–45 lat, czyli w wieku rozrodczym, dlatego zasługują na szczególną uwagę. U niepłodnych mężczyzn badanie ultrasonograficzne moszny powinno być wykonywane rutynowo, ponieważ w tej populacji częstość wykrywania zmian patologicznych w mosznie jest bardzo wysoka. Nowotwory złośliwe jąder należą do najczęstszych nowotworów występujących u mężczyzn w wieku 20–40 lat. Metodą diagnostyczną z wyboru jest badanie ultrasonograficzne, którego czułość w różnicowaniu zmian wewnątrzjądrowych i zewnątrzjądrowych wynosi prawie 100%. W diagnostyce niejednoznacznych zmian, niekwalifikujących się do weryfikacji operacyjnej, stosowany jest magnetyczny rezonans jądrowy. Tomografię komputerową natomiast wykorzystuje się w monitorowaniu zaawansowania choroby nowotworowej, w stanach pourazowych miednicy z udziałem urazu moszny oraz w rzadkich przypadkach przepuklin mosznowych zawierających moczowody lub fragment pęcherza moczowego

    Diagnostyka obrazowa jąder

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    Quantification of Gleason Pattern 4 at MRI-Guided Biopsy to Predict Adverse Pathology at Radical Prostatectomy in Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients

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    Background: Data on Gleason pattern 4 (GP4) amount in biopsy tissue is important for prostate cancer (PC) risk assessment. We aim to investigate which GP4 quantification method predicts adverse pathology (AP) at radical prostatectomy (RP) the best in men diagnosed with intermediate-risk (IR) PC at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided biopsy. Methods: We retrospectively included 123 patients diagnosed with IR PC (prostate-specific antigen <20 ng/mL, grade group (GG) 2 or 3, no iT3 on MRI) at MRI-guided biopsy, who underwent RP. Twelve GP4 amount-related parameters were developed, based on GP4 quantification method (absolute, relative to core, or cancer length) and site (overall, targeted, systematic biopsy, or worst specimen). Additionally, we calculated PV×GP4 (prostate volume × GP4 relative to core length in overall biopsy), aiming to represent the total GP4 volume in the prostate. The associations of GP4 with AP (GG ≥ 4, ≥pT3a, or pN1) were investigated. Results: AP was reported in 39 (31.7%) of patients. GP4 relative to cancer length was not associated with AP. Of the 12 parameters, the highest ROC AUC value was seen for GP4 relative to core length in overall biopsy (0.65). an even higher AUC value was noted for PV × GP4 (0.67), with a negative predictive value of 82.8% at the optimal threshold. Conclusions: The lack of an association of GP4 relative to cancer length with AP, contrasted with the better performance of other parameters, indicates directions for future research on PC risk stratification to accurately identify patients who may not require immediate treatment. Incorporating formulas aimed at GP4 volume assessment may lead to obtaining models with the best discrimination ability